Bald Eagle Watching

On Water
Bald Eagle Watching
BEST PLACES TO VIEW BALD EAGLES Ferry Bluff Eagle Council Overlook: Located on Water Street in Prairie du Sac. Here you can get out of your car and use the spotting scopes to see eagles perched on Eagle Island, or soaring overhead. There is also an informational kiosk with lots of eagle information available. Veterans Park: North on Water Street past the business district. A small sign marks the turn to the park. Stay in your car here please! Birds may be seen loafing across the river in the tall cottonwoods, flying or fishing. Prairie du Sac Hydroelectric Dam: Continue on Water Street (Hwy. 78) north of Prairie du Sac about one mile, and turn right on Dam Road. Follow the signs to the dam. Please stay in your car to watch the eagles fishing. Wollersheim Winery: Take the Highway 60 bridge east from Prairie du Sac to Highway 188 and turn right (south). The winery is approximately one mile on the left. Stop inside the winery before viewing. Eagles frequent the bluffs behind the winery. Old River Road: Following Water Street south, go straight at the stoplights. The pull-off by the railroad bridge can have a good view of eagles loafing in the large oak trees across the channel. You may wish to continue on out into the countryside 5-6 miles, where eagles often can be seen feeding in the farm fields along the road. You can continue on to Highway 60, turning right to make a circular route back to town.