Sheboygan Midwest Challenge


  • Free Admission
    • Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Yes
    • On Water
  • Sports Type
    • Other

Sheboygan Midwest Challenge

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

Information: 407-985-1938
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Powerboat P1 returns to Sheboygan, WI, on August 9th 2024, for the Sheboygan MidwdWest Challenge. 

Sheboygan is on the western shore of Lake Michigan, about 50 miles north of Milwaukee, with a population of around 50,000.

The Sheboygan MidWest Challenge, a festival and celebration of powerboat racing, will feature the top categories of U.S. powerboat racing. The UIM Class 1 World Championship returns with boats capable of 160 mph. For the first time, Sheboygan is also a host city to the AMerican Powerboat Racing Association's (APBA) National CHampionship, with 14 classes of fast boats in action. More than 60 race teams are expected to participate with competitors from around the world, including Australia, Italy, Swecden, Canada, the United Kingdom, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas.