Langlade County Ice Age Trail Hikeathon

Natural Attractions Type
- Parks, Forests, Trails
Trail Length (miles)
- 8.4, 11, or 13 miles
Langlade County Ice Age Trail Hikeathon
*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.
N8375 Park Dr - Deerbrook, WI 54424
Choose one of three shuttled Ice Age Trail hikes of 8.4, 11, or 13 miles, while helping the Langlade County Ice Age Trail Chapter fundraise for new trails, a parking area, and a kiosk at the Moraine Outwash all while earning Mammoth Hike Challenge miles and bonus miles!
Online registration is required to participate in the event - Registration with an event t-shirt is $35 or $15 per person without an event t-shirt! The last day to order shirts is September 20th. Registered hikers need to check-in between 8 am and 9 am in the Jack Lake Patriots Pavilion. Shuttles leave at 9 am and 10 am to hike at your own pace back to Jack Lake.
Games and arboretum for the kids.
The Langlade County Ice Age Trail Chapter is also offering an online auction here: