Luxembourg American Cultural Center

Luxembourg American Cultural Center - Belgium, Wisconsin.  Featuring the "Roots and Leaves Museum" in the restored 1872 Mamer-Hansen stone barn - the last Luxembourgian stone barn in Wisconsin
The Luxembourg American Family Tree Sculpture in the Cultural Center's "J. B. Krier Wellkomm Centre.  The Family Tree was sculpted in Luxembourg and a donation from the people and government of Luxembourg
The Luxembourg American Family Tree Sculpture in the Cultural Center's "J. B. Krier Wellkomm Centre.  The Family Tree was sculpted in Luxembourg and a donation from the people and government of Luxembourg
Pesche-Leider Luxembourg Garden at the Cultural Center
"Roots and Leaves Immigration Museum" at the Cultural Center.  All exhibit panels, sculpture and furnishings were fabricated in Luxembourg and donated by the people and government of Luxembourg.


  • Accessible Parking
    • Yes
  • Wheelchair Accessible
    • Yes
  • Museum/Gallery Type
    • Childrens
    • Historical
    • Other

Luxembourg American Cultural Center

Information: 262-476-5086
Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10am- 4 pm (Summer Hours) After Labor Day: Same hours except the museum is only open on the FIRST Saturday of each month Other Days: Open by appointment only. Tour groups and school groups welcome!
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The Luxembourg American Cultural Center greets thousands of guests each year and is the only cultural center in the world celebrating the unique heritage and culture of Luxembourgers! The Cultural Center located in Belgium, Wisconsin, because the region is home to one of the largest populations of Luxembourg immigrants and their descendants in the USA.

The Luxembourg American Cultural Center was built under the auspices of Luxembourg's Ministry of Culture and features the "Roots and Leaves Immigration Museum". The museum is housed in the Mamer-Hansen stone barn, the last Luxembourgian stone barn in Wisconsin, built in 1872 by Jacob Mamer. The stone barn is a masterpiece of preservation and, as a museum, depicts the history of Luxembourg, past and present, as well as Luxembourg immigration to America and the impact of Luxembourgers on the fabric of America.

The Cultural Center is home to the J. B. Krier Wellkomm Centre which features the Luxembourg American Family Tree - an amazing sculpture created in Luxembourg. The Dooley-Wagner Research Center is another unique facet of the Luxembourg American Cultural Center and is the largest research center for Luxembourg studies and genealogy outside of Luxembourg. It is a treasure trove of information and resources for historians, genealogists, and researchers.

Surrounding the museum are the stunning Pesche-Leider Luxembourg Garden, Adolph & Marie Ansay Courtyard and Schieren Conservancy. These gardens offer quiet serenity as well as additional history of Luxembourgers in America. The Cultural Center offers numerous events to connect the tight-knit Luxembourg-American community and educate them on their heritage as well as special and traveling exhibits throughout the year. Its Gift Shop has many unique gifts for young and old.