Mark Nizer 4D Show

Mark Nizer 4D Show

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

Information: 715-726-9000
Ticket Office: 715-720-4961
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Making the impossible possible and the improbable probable, Mark Nizer has taken his one-man show to a variety of venues around the world. Mark Nizer’s show is a combination of original comedy, world class juggling, movement, music, and technology that promises to deliver a spellbinding evening. Bring your smartphones as they will be part of the show as Mark takes them over and uses them to light up the auditorium. The show includes unique 4D glasses that will be distributed out before the show so you can experience a new 4D world of lasers, music, and incredible depth of color. This family friendly event is perfect for all ages and sure to keep everyone on the edge of their seats. Mark Nizer is truly "the juggler your mother warned you about." Or if she didn't, she should have.

Tickets: Adults $27, Seniors $25, Youth $15, Family $70