Tiffany Bottoms State Natural Area

Exploring the Tiffany Bottoms
Photo Courtesy of Joshua Mayer
Photo Courtesy of Joshua Mayer


  • Natural Attractions Type
    • Wildlife Refuge & Reserves

Tiffany Bottoms State Natural Area

Buffalo/Pepin Counties - Pepin, WI 54759
Information: 608-266-0394
Toll Free: 888-936-7463
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Tiffany Bottoms State Natural Area is a small portion of the most extensive river delta in the Midwest and contains a representative portion of the larger Tiffany Bottoms floodplain forest. The site captures the transition between typical floodplain forest of silver maple, river birch, ashes, and basswood in the southern portion and the more oak-dominated forest in the northern part (swamp white, bur, and black). Soil types also change, from sandy outwash in the north to sand with accumulations of silty alluvium in the south. The bottoms are abound in wildlife. Besides the typical game species, the area contains rare and uncommon birds such as red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus), great egret (Ardea alba), cerulean warbler (Dendroica cerulea), prothonotory warbler (Protonotaria citrea), and great-blue heron, pileated woodpecker, and blue-gray gnatcatcher. The State Natural Area is part of an extensive 8,000 acre beaver/otter closed area, which has been maintained on the Tiffany Wildlife Area since 1956. The closed area was established in recognition of the fact that beaver are a very important habitat altering species that can have very positive impacts on other wetland dependent plants and animals. Maintaining this closed area is an important tool to maintaining this diverse wetland complex. Tiffany Bottoms is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1958.