Wisconsin Dells Spring Grove Cemetery Walking Tour


  • Museum/Gallery Type
    • Historical
  • Tour Type
    • Walking Tours

Wisconsin Dells Spring Grove Cemetery Walking Tour

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

*This event has ended. Please return for future event scheduling information.

Spring Grove Cemetery
1680 Broadway - Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
Information: 608-264-4848
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Explore local history and learn about some of the early residents of the Wisconsin Dells region as you walk by their final resting places. Many stories show how these individuals worked to develop the city and worked along the Wisconsin River. Experience the triumphs and hardships of 19th-century people as they made this picturesque area their home. 

This tour includes a stop at the grave of H.H. Bennett. Bennett and his family are considered the founding families of the Wisconsin Dells. Bennett was a veteran of the American Civil War, and many contemporaries of his, who shared war experiences are primary subjects of the individuals discussed during this tour.

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